What do chatelaines do?

Drachenwald chatelaines are responsible for welcoming and assisting new members and for providing information for people interested in finding out about the SCA. Please read the chatelaine job description for more details.

Resources for chatelaines

The Barony of Thescorre's Adept Handbook: Teaching Through Living History is a useful manual on doing demos.

Information about reporting

For information on reporting, please read the reporting guidelines for chatelaines.

Chatelaine Points of Contact

Kingdom of Drachenwald

Drachenwald Chatelaine
Kytte of the lake

Regional Contacts

Nordmark Chatelaine
Jorunn Svensdotter (She/Her)

Aarnimetsä Chatelaine
Celestria of Cupar (Sari Paananen) (She/Her)

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