
The Kingdom Chatelaine must report every quarter to the Society Chatelaine and the Kingdom Seneschal as detailed in the Kingdom of Drachenwald Great Book of Laws section 5.03.5 and To make that report accurately for the entire Kingdom the Kingdom Chatelaine needs to have reports from the Regional Chatelaines who in turn collect information from the Local Branch Chatelaines.

5.03.5 All Great Officers will submit to the Crown and the Kingdom Seneschal a copy of any official reports forwarded to their corresponding Society Officer. If a Great Officer does not submit reports to their corresponding Society Officer at least once a quarter, then, as a minimum, will submit a written report to the Crown two weeks prior to Coronation and Crown Tournament. Standard quarters will be used for reporting purposes within Drachenwald. These quarters are January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December. Quarterly reports due to Kingdom Great Officers will have standard deadlines of 25 April (for the first quarter), 25 July (for the second quarter), 25 October (for the third quarter), and 25 January (for the last quarter and annual summary). Kingdom officers who require only semi-annual reports will use the January and July deadline for their reporting requirements.


Reporting schedule

Chatelaines are to report quarterly and submit an annual summary called the Doomsday report at the end of the year. Standard quarters are used in reporting, as it is stated in the Kingdom Law.

The Kingdom Chatelaine must submit the report to the Kingdom Seneschal by the 25th: April, July, October and January (Domesday Report) and therefore needs to have the Regional Chatelaine reports by the 15th of the relevant month. In turn the Local Branch Chatelaines reports need to be with the Regionals by 5th of the relevant month.

Report Months Kingdom Report Regional reports Local Reports
Q1 Jan-Mar25 April15 April5 April
Q2 Apr-Jun25 July15 July5 July
Q3 Jul-Sep25 October15 October 5 October
Q4 Oct-Dec25 January15 January5 January

Submitting the reports

Local Branch Chatelaines submit their reports to their Regional Chatelaine. This may be by email or through a reporting form if there is one in use. Regional Chatelaines send their reports to the Kingdom Chatelaine via email. The address is chatelaine@drachenwald.sca.org. Regional Chatelaines who are responsible for Principalities or Crown Principalities should also send a copy of their reports to the Seneschal of their region.

Requirement to Report and warrants

Warranted Chatelaines are required to report quarterly and any Chatelaine who misses two consecutive reports in a twelve month period is deemed to have resigned. Chatelaines-at-Large are not required to report quarterly but should keep in contact with the Kingdom Chatelaine and advise them of their activities when appropriate. Regional chatelaines require a warrant. They are warranted after submitting their first quarterly report.


Local Branch Chatelaines

The Local Branch Chatelaines report to their Regional Chatelaines quarterly. The report should be sent to the Regional Chatelaine by email or submitted through a reporting form if there is one in use. The report template below is only an example and a list of points to help you compile your report. Note that Regional Chatelaines are free to use their own report template that best serves their needs when collecting data from Local Branch Chatelaines. Preferred reporting language for Local Branch Chatelaines is English but check with your Regional Chatelaine which language they prefer or which languages they accept.

Report details

  • Reporting period
  • Name of the reporting group

Contact details of the officeholder

  • SCA name
  • Mundane name
  • E-mail
  • Membership number
  • Expiration date of membership

Past quarter

  • Activities for participant recruitment (i.e. demos, talks, meetings, online activities, social media presence…) and their results
  • Classes/meetings held for newcomers or newcomer salons at events
  • Approximate number of newcomers and/or new contacts
  • How are people getting in contact with the Chatelaine or the Local Branch?
  • How have people found out about the Local Branch?
  • Success and items to share (i.e. a successful demo, well carried out recruitment efforts, any publicity gained, words of thanks from newcomers…)
  • Any persons who are actively working with recruitment and/or helping newcomers (consider recommending them!)
  • Any problems, concerns or incidents

Next quarter

  • Plans for the next quarter
  • Questions for the Regional Chatelaine

Regional Chatelaines

Regional Chatelaine reports are submitted quarterly to the Kingdom Chatelaine by the 15th of April, July, October and January (Domesday Report). Please send your reports in by email. Reporting language is English. If you have challenges to send your report in English and wish to do so in some other language, please contact the kingdom chatelaine to negotiate how your report is going to be translated into English for the Kingdom Chatelaine’s report archives.

Report details

  • Reporting period
  • Name of the reporting region

Contact details of the Regional Chatelaine and their Deputies:

  • SCA name
  • Mundane name
  • E-mail
  • Membership number
  • Expiration date of membership

Past quarter

  • A summary of activities for participant recruitment
  • Strategies and actions for newcomer retention
  • Regional level recruitment activities or projects of interest to the chatelaine’s office
  • Ways people contact local branches and how they find about the SCA
  • Success and items to share
  • Any persons who are actively working with recruitment and/or helping newcomers (consider recommending them!)
  • Activities/meetings for chatelaines or discussing/planning recruitment and newcomer work
  • Any problems, concerns or incidents

Next quarter

  • Plans for the next quarter (events, demos, classes, chatelaine meetings…)
  • Questions for the Kingdom Chatelaine

Doomsday report A short annual summary at the end of the year is called a Doomsday report.

  • Highlights of the year
    • Any groups that have excelled in recruitment and retention work this year
    • Any individuals putting in great effort for recruitment and newcomers (Consider recommending them for their hard work!)
    • Success and items to share
  • Concerns and things to improve
  • Plans for the next year Regional Chatelaines, also include the following Information of the groups in your area:
  • Name of the group and if the group is active/dormant
  • Which groups have a chatelaine
  • Which groups are reporting and which ones are not
  • Advise of any non-reporting chatelaine
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