What a Chronicler does

The kingdom Chronicler is responsible for all official kingdom publications.

The kingdom chronicler:

Event Announcements

For an event to be “official” for business, like royal investitures, awards, and proclamation of laws, the event must be a kingdom published event.

  1. Submit your event through the form
  2. Make sure all required information has been submitted through the form before the deadline. You will receive an email the day after you submit the form with your deadline and other information. If you did not receive this email after 2 days, contact webminister@drachenwald.sca.org. Information submitted to the form is copied to the chronicler automatically
  3. Check if your event shows as ‘official’ or ‘published’ on the online calendar or that it has been published in the Dragons Tale.

Any questions, contact the chronicler

Kingdom Newsletter

SCA Inc and SCA affiliate members: read The Dragon’s Tale, and every other kingdom’s newsletter, online !

For access to older editions, contact the kingdom chronicler, chronicler@drachenwald.sca.org

Release Forms

Release forms are required for the chronicler to publish original articles and artwork, and for persons appearing on photographs.

Local Chroniclers

Local branches are encouraged to have a newsletter, though it is only requiredfor Baronies and above.

Policies and Reports

Chronicler Points of Contact

Kingdom of Drachenwald

Drachenwald Chronicler
Maerith aff Weselax

Regional Contacts

Nordmark Chronicler
Emlyn Ruby (Emma Rubinstein) (She/Her)

Insulae Draconis Chronicler
Sela de la Rosa (She/Her)

Aarnimetsä Chronicler
Vaapukkamäen Vellamo (Laura Kakkonen)

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