Welcome to the page for all Exchequer related activity in the Kingdom of Drachenwald. Here you will find the forms which must be completed for Shire Quarterly reports and for reporting on the finances and attendee numbers at events. There are also a number of useful articles describing how to complete these reports.

Corporate Policies

Kingdom Policies

Kingdom Financial Policy (including Reporting Requirements)

Requests for Warrants

Request for Warrant: Please send the following information to your regional Exchequer.

  • Mundane Name
  • SCA Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Scan of Photo ID
  • Scan of valid membership card
  • Confirmation from your Seneschal of you taking on the role of Exchequer

Explanatory Documentation

Forms and Reports

Note: NMS for Kingdom level events (Crown and Coronation) held outside the affiliate organisations (i.e. not in Nordmark, Aarnimetsa, Insulae Draconis, or Ad Flumen Caerulum) is now €5 per adult non-member. This must be sent to the Kingdom Exchequer after the event.

Every group in Drachenwald submit a signed copy (paper copy or scan via email) of the Domesday Report before 25th Jan each year. Each group must also submit a quarterly report by 25th of April, July, October each year. Note that dates are 15th of these months in Insulae Draconis to allow the ID exchequer to prepare an overall report to Kingdom.

SCA Financial Report

SCA Negative Report

Exchequer Points of Contact

Kingdom of Drachenwald

Drachenwald exchequer
Siobhán inghean uí Liatháin (She/Her)

Regional Contacts

Nordmark exchequer
Ingrid Audardotter

Aarnimetsä exchequer
Sofia Vargh (She/Her)

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