The Social Media Minister takes care of an essential part of communications: making the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) accessible and connected to the widest group of people. They work with current participants, increase awareness of our brand and introduce and retain new people. They give people an easy and low commitment way to first start exploring the SCA and what they might see, learn, do or be.

Social Media Minister Points of Contact

Kingdom of Drachenwald

Drachenwald Social Media Minister
Aodh Ó Siadhail

Aodh Ó Siadhail is based in Dun in Mara (Dublin and the east coast of Ireland). He's particularly interested in making social media work at the regional level, for recruitment and retention, and also in showing off as widely as possible everything Drachenwald has to offer.

(Drew Shiel) (He/Him)

Regional Contacts

Insulae Draconis Social Media Minister
Renart of Flintheath (She/Her)

Aarnimetsä Social Media Minister
Adeliza de Bello (Outi Sivonen) (She/Her)

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