The first event of our Society, the party in the backyard, was a tournament. In emulating the chivalric tournaments of the middle ages, we aspire to connect with some spirit of chivalry.
Since the first garden party, Society combat has developed into full-speed, and full-contact martial art.
“Full speed” means just that - as fast as you can move, and not planned or choreographed as in films or stage fighting.
“Full contact” means to an agreed level of power, and not ‘pulled’ as in Live Action Role Play (LaRP) and in reenactment combat.
Tournament and melee outcomes are decided on the field: unlike in reenactment, noone knows who will win the tournament of the day. Blows are decided on honour system, so the person receiving them determines whether they suffice to be an injury or fatal.
Our focus is on safety first, and capacity to take part, over perfect execution. While everyone still aspires to improve, taking part, fighting for the honour of a friend or loved one, is as welcome as grand feats of prowess.
People of any size and gender, after age 16 (UK and Europe) can train and authorise (get a Society fighting permit). Combat has some base requirements for physical capacity: to wear the armour comfortably, and to throw and accept blows. SCA fighters include those in wheelchairs, and amputees.
Drachenwald marshal’s handbook for armoured combat, covering the armour requirements, basic skills to learn for authorisation, and supporting fighters on the field
Armoured combat authorisation form, PDF format, for those who successfully learn new weapons forms for SCA use. Armoured fighters and marshals must complete a form to record your authorisation.
Armoured Combat Marshal Points of Contact
Kingdom of Drachenwald
- Drachenwald Card Marshal (Armoured Combat)
Count Padraig
- Drachenwald Kingdom Deputy for Combat Archery
Thorkil Godreddsson
Regional Contacts
- Aarnimetsä Knight Marshal
Tuomas Tharo
(Tuomo Oila)