The Annual Drachenwald Arts and Sciences Competition is held to select the Crown’s Royal Artisan. In accordance with Kingdom Law, it shall be held in multiple stages throughout the year at the following events: Twelfth Night/Midwinter Coronation, Spring Crown Tournament, Midsummer Coronation, and Fall Crown Tourney. These events will be referred to as Competition Events throughout this document. The cycle will begin at Twelfth Night and conclude at Autumn Crown. The new Royal Artisan will be announced at Kingdom University, and the regalia formally handed over by the departing Royal Artisan.

The eight general categories - culinary arts, fine arts, textile arts, performance arts, martial sciences, decorative sciences, functional sciences and research - are intended to be as broad as possible to cover all manner of SCA arts and sciences.

Entering the Competition

Entrants must declare their intent to enter at the latest two weeks before the event, by e-mailing . Research papers must be submitted electronically at this point to give judges time to read them, and submitting other documentation is encouraged. Entrants are responsible for delivering, displaying, and collecting their entry and accompanying documentation on the day.

Entrants are responsible for delivering their entries to the display area at the event by Saturday morning, along with two copies of their documentation (where applicable) and filling in an entry form/score sheet that gives their name and chosen criteria.


Each entry is evaluated according to three required criteria, and two elective criteria selected by the contestant.


  • Well Researched (documentation)
  • Well Made (execution)
  • Authentic (would it be at home in a period setting?)

  • 2 of the following:

  • Reproduction (emphasis on getting as close as possible to a historic one of those)
  • Useful (serves a specific purpose, was made to solve a problem)
  • Aesthetic (nice to look at, feel, listen to, read…)
  • Creative (experimental, artistic expression)
  • Process (not so much about the end result as a complex or difficult process)
  • Educational (made to teach someone else or learn something yourself)

A more detailed explanation of this system can be found on the Judging Criteria page.


Rather than individual judges for each entry, judging will be done by a panel of 5 or more judges whose collective expertise covers each of the eight general categories culinary arts, fine arts, textile arts, performance arts, martial sciences, decorative crafts or sciences, functional crafts or sciences and research for which entries are expected. Each entry will be judged by at least two of these judges, with assignments coordinated by the panel. For competitions with many entrants, more judges will be added at the organiser’s discretion.

Scores will be submitted electronically, with the original score sheets returned to the entrant. Score sheets are considered private unless the entrant wants to share them.


Entries will be scored for each chosen criterion, and scores are added at the end for a maximum of 50 points.

To compete for Kingdom Artisan, entrants must submit at least three entries in total, in at least two of the eight general categories culinary arts, fine arts, textile arts, performance arts, martial sciences, decorative crafts or sciences, functional crafts or sciences and research. Scores will be averaged between all of an entrant’s submissions, rather than cumulative, to encourage quality over quantity. In the case of a tie, the title goes to the entrant with the highest score for any one entry.


Documentation: Documentation is required for all entries except research papers. It can be provided in writing, with a 2000 word limit, or given as a brief oral presentation. Entrants can, but are not required to, use the guided documentation form; no points will be docked or awarded for its use.

Research papers: these do not, of course, have to be accompanied by documentation, and the word limit does not apply (though keep in mind that judges and visitors will need to have enough time to read your paper!)

Lecture: As we allow performances, a research paper may also be presented as a short lecture or class, at the organiser’s discretion. If you wish to attempt this format, get in touch with the organiser at least 8 weeks before the event to check that there is room for it on the schedule.

Language: Research papers and documentation may be submitted in either English or the primary language(s) of the country where the event is to be held. Keep in mind that some of your judges may not speak the local language, so it is best to include pictures and diagrams and, where possible, a brief English summary if writing in another language.

Entry by proxy: Entrants do not have to be present at the event to enter, but must designate a courier who will bring their entry and collect it afterward, as well as provide written documentation. Performances and lectures must be live.

Organiser: This is the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Science or their deputy designated to run the competition at a kingdom event, not the event steward!

Display only: You will still be able to enter an item for display only, which may receive some commentary from judges but will not be counted toward the competition. This decision cannot be made retroactively.

Previously submitted entries: Entries that have previously been judged in a competition may be entered for display & feedback only.

Age: Entrants of any age can compete; entries made by children or youths should be marked for the judges’ attention so this can be taken into account during evaluation.

Group work: Assistance and advice from other artisans is encouraged! However, only the primary artisan can submit the piece for consideration.

Royal Artisan: The title of Royal Artisan is largely honourary, though the winner is encouraged to assist the Queen and Minister of Arts and Sciences in promoting the Arts and Sciences. They may be asked to act as a judge in the next year’s competition where possible or otherwise support the competition. The current Royal Artisan cannot compete, but may submit items for display.

Judging Criteria
Guided Documentation Form
Entry Form/Score Sheet

Valid from 12th Night 2020. Authored by Lady Cornelia vom Distelfeld, Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences Drachenwald, with the help and support of a kingdom-wide volunteer group. Thank you for all your help, insights, discussions, reality checks and ideas! Thanks also to Master Terefan Greydragon for designing the previous competition format that encouraged us to strive for perfection, comparing our art to the ideal.

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