Master Alexandre Lerot d’Avigné

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis, Shire of Flintheath

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Cookery with a side-order of poetry. Also meat curing and cheesemaking.

Dabbles in: A great many things.

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: St. Mary’s Abbey (Outlands), Sharc Pit (rather more widely dispersed).

  • Students: Lord Aodhan Dha Cheist, Lady Milada von Schnecken, Viscount Ranulf li Norreis, Lady Rebecca of Flintheath, Fru Aðísla Arnulfsdóttir, Master Pascual del Mar (East), Master Alessandra Brucioli, called Bruce, (Middle), Master Mael Eoin MacEochidh (East)

Elevated by whom and when: Andreas IV and Gabriella II (East) - Pennsic War, August 6th, A.S. 44 (2009)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: cookery, sausage making, court heraldry, documentation.

Mesterinne / Baroness Aleydis van Vilvoorde

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Barony of Gotvik

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Research on historical clothing, but also material culture in general, as well as gender and culture. I make patterns, sew, knit and other skills needed for historical clothing. I also do period cooking.

Dabbles in: calligraphy and illumination, embroidery, singing, recorder, tablet weaving, dancing, archery, brewing, voice heraldry, textile printing

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: House of the Flowering Antler; Three Scissors and Duck
  • Apprentices: HLady Alfhild de Foxley, Branna från Korpåsen

Elevated by whom and when: Vitus and Ysabel - Kingdom University in Gotvik, November 9th, A.S. 54 (2019)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Medieval and early modern clothing in general, special interests in the High Middle Ages, Italian dress in the 13th and 14th century, anything regarding medieval or 16th century dress in Scandinavia. The history of knitting. Medieval ideas about gender and sexuality, Scandinavian medieval history, introductions to African history before 1600, courtly literature/culture related to gender, cotton in Europe in the Middle Ages

Mistress Anna Laresdotter

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Shire of Holmrike

Primary artforms/Elevated for: History of knitting and 16th century clothing.

Dabbles in: Childrens clothing, Braiding, dancing and fencing.

Contact: At events or anna.gunnar at

Elevated by whom and when: Sven and Siobhan - Styringheim Baronial Investiture, December 14th, A.S. 48 (2013)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: A lot :). Knitting, sewing, simple braiding. Feel free to ask me.

Master Arenwald von Hagenburg

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Shire of Aros

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Mainly woodwork, but also for different craft projects, fencing, dancing and singing: for being a renaissance man

Dabbles in: making armour, leatherwork, woodwork, singing, dancing, making costumes, making tents, casting etc

Contact: At events

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Náttfari Gardarsson

Elevated by whom and when: Jade and Shaheena (West) - Rowany Festival in Lochac, April 11th, A.S. 27 (1993)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Anything to do with craft and music!

Bonesig Arianhwy Wen / Magistra Mala

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis, West Dragonshire

Primary artforms/Elevated for: scribal arts; poetry, prose, and drama (as scholar and author); languages; heraldry, particularly voice heraldry; anything to do with words; acting and performance

Dabbles in: languages, literature, historic witchcraft, folk and fairy lore

Contact: FB (search for Arianhwy Wen) or Discord

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Brighthelm, seynt Scholastes Hall
  • Apprentices: Viscount Joel Ben Stuart, Lady Klara Tschuden called the Boatwright, Lady Cecily of Okynfirth, Lord John Yarrowe

Elevated by whom and when: Vitus III and Isabel II - Raglan Faire, August 8th, A.S. 53 (2018)

Dame Aryanhwy merch Catmael

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis, Shire of Depedene-under-Wychwood

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Research (Names)

Dabbles in: Charcuterie, calligraphy, illumination, heraldry

Contact: At events

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Lady Pernel Challoner

Elevated by whom and when: Vitus III and Isabel II - Raglan Faire, August 8th, A.S. 53 (2018)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Classes on medieval naming and heraldic practices, classes on SCA naming and heraldic practices, classes on scribal arts, including scroll wordings.

Mestari Beata Sigridsdotter

Region: Barony of Aarnimetsä, Canton of Hukka

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Early period Costume/Embroidery

Dabbles in: Viking posaments and metal wire decorations

Contact: At events or facebook

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: rouva Kaarina Laurintytär

Elevated by whom and when: Lief and Morrigan - Aarnimetsä Midwinter, February 17th, A.S. 52 (2018)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Viking posament and metal wire decorations (ösenstitch, schlingen stitch), Viking embroidery, Finnish iron age bronze spiral decorations, Tasselbelt from Luistari, Tablet weaving for beginners, Metal wire brokade tablet weaving. Feel free to ask.

Mistress Bridget Greywolf

Region: Barony of Knight’s Crossing, Canton Aventiure

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Calligraphy and Illumination

Dabbles in: Stuff

Contact: At events or

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Clan Greywolf is the loose collective of my elevated apprentices and their apprentices but it’s nothing formal. I no longer have any apprentices.

Elevated by whom and when: Maximilian and Margerite - Saturday Night Fever III, March 17th, A.S. 41 (2007)

Mistress Catherine Weaver

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis

Primary artforms/Elevated for:

Dabbles in: Tablet weaving, 8-shaft loom weaving, spinning, natural dyeing, sewing, research

Contact: via instagram or website

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Member of the household Linden Manor

Elevated by whom and when: Sven and Siobhan – Kingdom University in Knights Crossing, November 11th, A.S 58 (2023)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Skills related to tablet weaving including warping, designing, trouble-shooting and studying extant examples

Dame Celemon Gwynedd

Region: Shire of Aros, Principality of Nordmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Dancing, cooking

Dabbles in: Medieval gardens and herbs

Contact: At events and

Elevated by whom and when: Elffin and Vanna - Double Wars in Attemark, May 9th, A.S. 32 (1997)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: I will teach dancing at specific classes (not to everyone after banquet), 15th c cooking, banquet logistics, medieval English literature (this is my mundane job), documentation, and medieval English history, especially gender and sexuality

Master Cernac the Navigator

Region: Insulae Draconis, Shire of Dun in Mara

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Historical Combat


Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Cernac heads House Navigator, which comprises four fencing scholars, Gwenllian verch Andras, Duncan Chaucer, Chiudka and a student, Juliette Cavalierri.

Elevated by whom and when: Gerhardt and Judith - Midwinter Coronation in Flintheath, January 9th, A.S. 44 (2010)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Specialises in period Italian martial arts, especially Pietro Monte, Fiore and Giganti. Teaches period rapier, sword and buckler, Polish sabre, longsword and pole weapons, plus interpreting historical sources.

Meisterin Ellisa von Berenklaw

Region: Barony of Knight’s Crossing, Canton Two Seas

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Calligraphy and Illumination

Dabbles in: costuming, tablet weaving, block printing

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Lady Swanhilde von Baerenau, Lady Ellisa von Styra

Elevated by whom and when: Thorvaldr and Tomoe - Crown Tourney in Polderslot, October 10th, A.S. 50 (2015)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Gilding with gold leaf and sugar gesso, How to start a scroll (preparing the paper, layout and lines, tips and tricks), shading techniques.

Maestra Ellisif Gydasdottir

Region: Central

Primary artforms/Elevated for: weaving (card/tablet, inkle, fabric), 12th C Norman and ancient Minoan

Dabbles in: illumination, calligraphy, spinning, sewing


Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Wayfarer’s Rest (with Sir Jon FitzJohn)
  • Apprentices: Lady Constance Pemberton (Meridies); Dame Lisette de la Rose (An Tir)

Elevated by whom and when: Cuan and Signy (Atlantia) - Coronation, April 4th, A.S. 54 (2020)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: introduction to tablet weaving, brocade tablet weaving, survey of weaving patterns, rectangular construction, Minoan clothing, writing documentation, judging A&S constructively

Baron Etienne Fevre

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Silversmithing / jewellery design

Dabbles in: Calligraphy and illumination, lost wax casting, leatherwork, armouring, and a bunch of other stuff.

Contact: and always happy to chat at events or to arrange to speak via webchat

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Viscountess Ermingard Hawenthorn

Elevated by whom and when: Michael and Moira - Champions of Lough Devnaree III, August 5th, A.S. 41 (2006)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Beginning Calligraphy and Illumination, Lost wax casting, Period coronet design, Period Virtues - from Aristotle to the Golden Fleece, 14th and 15th Century jewellery for your persona

Mistress Eva Grelsdotter

Region: Barony of Aarnimetsä, Canton of Poukka

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Cooking

Dabbles in: Viking clothing, Finnish Iron Age clothing, 15th century clothing, 16th century clothing (especially Flemish), blackwork, tablet weaving and naalbinding

Contact: At events or at

Online presence:

Elevated by whom and when: Sven and Siobhan - Arnimetsä Baronial Investiture, September 7th, A.S. 48 (2013)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: How to modify medieval recipes to modern, feast planning (always willing to help with finding recipes or help with planning one on one if needed), blackwork and naalbinding for beginners

Master Fardäng Skvaldre

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Shire of Gyllengran

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Brewing, vintning and infusions

Dabbles in: Making armour, tents and costumes (primarily viking and 16th century), Cooking, leather work and more.

Contact: At events or

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Sigvard Ölfúss

Elevated by whom and when: Vitus and Isabel - Double Wars in Attemark, May 5th, A.S. 51 (2016)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Brewing in both theory and practice. History and tradition regarding beverages.

Master Giano Balestriere

Region: Barony of Knight’s Crossing, Canton Aventiure

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Culinary arts

Dabbles in: Cosmetics, paints, adhesives

Contact: At events

Elevated by whom and when: Gerhardt and Judith - Störtebeker’s Sons, July 18th, A.S. 44 (2009)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Period Cooking for Beginners, Period Camp Cookery, Roman Foodways, Dark Age Foodways, Carolingian Foodways, Landsknecht Cookery, Period Cosmetics, Period Paints, Period Medicine for Beginners, How to Make a Roman Persona, Language and Literacy in Period

Meister Guntram von Wolkenstein

Region: Southern Reaches, Adamastor

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Tablet weaving

Dabbles in: Pewter & bronze casting, calligraphy & illumination, leatherwork, heraldry, lampworked beads, very occasional brewing

Contact: At events or

Elevated by whom and when: John and Honor - Midwinter Coronation in Aarnimetsä, January 8th, A.S. 39 (2005)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Tablet weaving, pewter casting, beadmaking, calligraphy & illumination, leatherwork

Master Gwylym Penbras

Region: Frankmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Knife and sword forging no real timeframe. I make blades per the person’s persona.

Contact: At events

Elevated by whom and when: Felix and Madeleina (Midrealm) - July 8th, A.S. 41 (2006)

Mistress Helena von Eltz

Region: Barony of Aarnimetsä

Primary artforms/Elevated for: 14th century tailoring

Dabbles in: Headwear (especially frilled veils) dress accessories, embroidery, research, handsewing. Anything 14th century

Contact: At events + see website for contact details

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Lord Helgi

Elevated by whom and when: UlfR and Caoimhe - Aarnimetsä Academy, A.S. 45 (2010)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Clothes from Archaeological excavations From Wimple to Poulaine: the outfit of a 14th century lady The Medieval outfit: an overview of medieval dress – what was worn and what did it mean? High Fashion from the High Middle Ages Female headdress: veils, caps, hoods Hoods: history, styles and patterns How to wear a veil Frilled veils: history and how to make one for yourself Different sources: archaeology, written evidence and art Drafting a pattern for a Herjolfsnes-gown Drafting your own pattern for hose (workshop) Handsewing and tailoring techniques (lecture and workshop) Drafting a sleeve pattern for a buttoned-up sleeve, making cloth buttons (workshop) Making a self-supportive underdress (workshop)

Mistress Helwig Ulfsdotter

Region: Principality of Nordmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: 16th century costuming

Dabbles in: knitting, embroidery, early clothing


Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: house three scissors and duck
  • Apprentices: Filippa Birgersdotter, William of Richwood, Isabetta de Vere

Elevated by whom and when: Marcus and Cecilia - Midsummer Coronation in Holmrike, June 18th, A.S. 44 (2009)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Tailoring from 16th century sources, How to knit a 16th century bonnet, Beginning black work, More advanced black work, The renaissance household, food and beverages

Banug Jahanarasvamini

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis, Shire of Flintheath

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Weaving cloth

Dabbles in: Narrowares, spinning, Persian costuming


Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Lady Rebecca of Flintheath, Viscountess Euphrosyne, Countess Saxa (Avacal)

Elevated by whom and when: Cornelia and Avery - Yule Ball in Flintheath, December 3rd, A.S. 57 (2022), Cornelia and Avery

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Medieval Weave Structures, Warping Your Loom, Damask Weaving, Weaving Samitum, Tapestry Weaving, 7th C Persian Costuming, Weaving Twills, Drafting for Weaving

Mistress Joutsenjärven Sahra

Region: Barony of Aarnimetsä

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Tablet weaving and Finnish Iron Age

Dabbles in: I do weaving, with tablets and looms, natural dyeing, nalbinding, sewing and writing books, I have published a tablet weaving book called Applesies and Fox Noses (Salakirjat 2013) with Maikki Karisto and a cookbook with Saara Nironen and Nanna Tuovinen. Book is published first in Finnish, Sahramia, munia ja mantelimaitoa (Salakirjat 2012) and English version Saffron, Eggs and Almond Milk (Salakirjat 2014).

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Lady Katarina Juhanantytär

Elevated by whom and when: Lief and Morrigan, Cudgel War XII, July 19th, A.S. 49 (2014)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: I have held dress courses and I am happy to teach dyeing, tablet weaving and naalbinding. I do mainly 14th century, but Finnish iron age is my great passion and I’m happy to help with that too.

Magistra Judith de Northumbria

Region: Barony of Knight’s Crossing currently out of Kingdom

Primary artforms/Elevated for: 15th and 16th c. dance/1470s-80s Florentine and Burgundian clothing

Dabbles in: Fingerlooping, embroidery, dyeing, cooking (using reproduction medieval equipment)

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Conandil Ingen Donngaile, Beibhin, William of Born, Katherine of South Downs

Elevated by whom and when: Michael and Moira - Arthurian Riddle Quest VI, August 25th, A.S. 41 (2006)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: 15th c./16th c/ social dance; 15th c.-16th c. Masque

Maisteri Kaarina Eerikintytär

Region: Barony of Aarnimetsä, Canton of Poukka

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Music, singing and writing

Dabbles in: Dance

Contact: At events or or facebook

Online presence:

Elevated by whom and when: Vitus III and Isabel II - Cudgel War, July 11th, AS 53 (2018)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Music workshops (especially singing), analyzing a style as a tool for songwriting, reading period music manuscripts and musical notation, reading modern sheet music.

Mestari Kareina Talventytär

Region: Principality of Nordmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Hand-sewing and embroidery

Dabbles in: Nålbinding, Bardic Arts, Dance, Cooking, Baking, Viking Age through to 12th Century northern Europe/Scandinavia

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Fru Ena Iliansdotter, Fru Astrid i Erismarc, and Bjarni inn mikli

Elevated by whom and when: Fabian and Bryn (West) - Oerthan Winter Coronet, January 16th, A.S. 35 (2000)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Hand sewing, laid and couched work embroidery, early period costume construction logic, dance, wax tablet making, cooking from period recipes, soapstone use in the Viking Age

Master Keldor av Skellitta

Region: Principality of Nordmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Smithing

Dabbles in: Woodwork, leather work, armouring, illumination

Contact: FB messenger,, or at events

Online presence:

Elevated by whom and when: Stigot and Lofnheiðr - Double Wars in Attemark, May 10th A.S. 59 (2024)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Intro to Smithing, Blade Smithing, Pattern Welding, Pike fishing in the Middle Ages

Mistress Lia de Thornegge

Region: Principality of Nordmark, shire of Aros

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Late period embroidery and costuming

Dabbles in: 15th Century costuming, illumination and calligraphy, Counted thread embroidery, textile stuff in general

Contact: Email or talk to me at events

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Member of the households Brighthelm and Three Scissors and Duck
  • Apprentices: Lady Cristina Stolte, Mistress Silwa af Swaneholm, Mistress Tece de Kaxtone

Elevated by whom and when: Paul and Aryanhwy - Kingdom University, November 10th, A.S. 47 (2012)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Blackwork embroidery, 16th Century shirts, Doublet fitting workshop with Mistress Helwig and apprentices, Elizabethan Metal Thread embroidery, How to learn a calligraphy style, Long-armed Cross Stitch

Dame Lyonet de Covenham

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis, near Guildford, England

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Heralding, scrivening, scholarship, poesy

Dabbles in: Working in wood and leather, storytelling, the science of the sword

Contact: @nettie on the Drachenwald Slack, on Facebook or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: A dame of House de Taahe, a great household centred in Ealdormere and the Middle Kingdom

  • Students: Countess Isabel Peregrinus, Lady Oriana nic Kendrick, Lady Angelica Archer, Lady Ursula of Guildford

Elevated by whom and when: Siridean and Jahanara - Yule Ball in Flintheath, December 2nd, A.S. 52 (2017)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Basic Latin calligraphy workshop, Latin handwriting style workshops (for particular hands including textura quadrata, textura precissa, littera bastarda, uncial and other forms), Basic Hebrew calligraphy workshop (including Sephardic and Ashkenazic styles), Making quill and reed pens, Mediaeval chancery processes, Fealty and Homage in mediaeval Europe, Heralds and heralding in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Sir King and his Court in the 14th Century, The organisation of mediaeval royal courts, Heralding in the Society, Heralding in the Society (advanced: courts), Heralding in the Society (advanced: tournaments), The triad of Mediaeval warfare, Tactics of early modern battle, Change and consistency in mediaeval warfare, (Also, happy to teach various mediaeval and Renaissance fencing masters)

Maisteri Magdalen Yrjänäntytär

Region: Barony of Aarnimetsä

Primary artforms/Elevated for: several forms of textile arts, calligraphy and illumination, glass bead making

Contact: at events and facebook

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Lady Elzebeth Múnserin

Elevated by whom and when: Vitus and Isabel - Cudgel War, July 16th, A.S. 54 (2019)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: spinning, organic dyeing, embroidery, calligraphy, knitting etc. Just ask! I get interested of new areas quite often, and as soon as I have learned it I am willing to share the knowledge with others.

Magnifica Magdelena Grace Vane

Region: Barony of Knight’s Crossing, Central region

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Cooking, 16th century Italian

Dabbles in: Other 16th century cooking, Earlier Italian cooking, 16th century Italian clothing (ladies)


Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Domus de Loporis

  • Students: Bryndis Hrothgeirsdottir

Elevated by whom and when: Aerikr and Jaquelina - Fall Crown Tournament in Polderslot, October 23rd, A.S. 56 (2021)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Anything cooking related! Duct tape patterning, Getting started in the SCA and other newbie/ intro things

Magnifica Marcella di Cavallino

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis, Shire of Thamesreach

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Research/stuff, primarily 16th C. Northern Italy daily life/food; cheese history

Dabbles in: Scribal arts, cooking/feast planning, costuming, embroidery/embellishment, knitting, vocal music

Contact: At events, Facebook (@marcella.di.cavallino), Discord

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Villa Formaggi, Camp Fromage (An Tir)

Elevated by whom and when: Stigot and Lofnheiðr - Spring Crown in Dun in Mara, April 6th, A.S. 58 (2024)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Cheese history, feast planning and logistics, research and documentation, period silk painting

Meisterinne Marlein Eberlin

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Shire of Aros

Primary artforms/Elevated for: 16th century costuming and the art of sprang

Dabbles in: making 16th century German clothing, sprang, embroidery, ceramics and research


Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Member of the household oak and Acorn

Elevated by whom and when: Krake and Beatrix - Double Wars in Attemark, May 17th, A.S 58 (2023)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Sprang, both teoretical and practial, 16th century German headwear, 16th century German costuming, how to make a bronce age sprang loom.

Mistress Mary verch Thomas

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis, Shire of Mynydd Gwyn

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Embroidery

Dabbles in: garb-making, finger-loop braiding

Contact: at events or

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Household - Brighthelm

Elevated by whom and when: Siridean and Jahanara - Raglan Faire, August 12th, A.S. 52 (2017)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Goldwork, detached buttonhole, general embroidery, simple fingerloop braiding. Feel free to ask me

Mistress Melisende Fitzwalter

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Calligraphy and Illumination

Dabbles in: Can also advise on period cookery. Other areas of interest include embroidery and music.

Contact: At events or

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Head of House Fitzwalter, member of House Fevre and Brighthelm
  • Apprentices: Sir Æirikr inn Hárfagri, Lady Órlaith Chaomhánach

Elevated by whom and when: Thorvaldr and Fiona - Wincester Pilgrimage in West Dragonshire, May 29th, A.S. 45 (2010)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Various aspects of Calligraphy & Illumination, Cookery and Feast kitchen organisation

Mistress Oriane d’Avallon

Region: Barony of Knight’s Crossing, Canton Turmstadt

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Calligraphy and Illumination

Dabbles in: Enamelling and lace making

Contact: At events or

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Member of House Gilchrest

Elevated by whom and when: Matthew and Anna - Double Wars VI in Attemark, May 22nd, A.S. 33 (1998)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Calligraphy & Illumination, Gilding

Mistress Petronilla of London

Region: Barony of Knights’ Crossing, Canton of Turmstadt

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Embroidery

Dabbles in: sewing, tailoring, cooking and general research

Contact: At events or facebook or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Member of House Hebenstreitz
  • Apprentices: Baroness Barbara von Krempe

Elevated by whom and when: Jahanara and Siridean - Kingdom University, November 11th, A.S. 52 (2017)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: General embroidery, Opus Anglicanum embroidery, Or Nué embroidery, other specific types of embroidery if needed, Medieval healthcare theory in cooking

Mistress Ragnell Caxtone

Region: Principality of Nordmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: A little of everything, but mostly Early Modern clothing in England and specifically the headgear. The so called English and French hoods.

Dabbles in: All the things that makes up the clothes of my chosen period. So that means embroidery, tablet weaving, Knitting, etc

Contact: Facebook or Instagram (Ragnell Caxtone)

Elevated by whom and when: Sven and Siobhan - Kingdom University in Knights Crossing, November 11th AS 58 (2023)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: English Early Modern dress and dress accessories. Knitted hats and sleeves. I have also held classes in the past on button making and would gladly do that again.

Meisterinne Renike Tucher

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Barony Styringheim

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Textile Arts / 15th Century costuming

Dabbles in: Dyeing, naalbinding, embroidery

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Oak and Acorn
  • Apprentices: Görvel Skote, Meisterinne Marlein Eberlin, Meisterinne Sabine Solling Fuchs

Elevated by whom and when: Morales and Agnes - Baronial Investiture & Fiesta de Lucia in Styringheim, December 12th, A.S. 51 (2016)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: fitting, patternmaking, freeform embroidery, late 15th century German costuming

Master Richard of Salesberie

Region: Shire of Mynydd Gwyn, Principality of Insulae Draconis

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Painting, illumination, calligraphy

Dabbles in: Poetry, performance

Contact: Facebook messenger from existing FB friends or

Online presence:

Elevated by whom and when: Stigot and Lofnheiðr - Spring Crown in Dun in Mara, April 6th, AS 58 (2024)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Edward IV, Royal Book Collector; How to Cheat at Scrolls; A History of Raglan Castle; Scrolls for Beginners; Representing Three (and Four!) dimensions in mediaeval art; The Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry; Practical session on cutting Canivet Scrolls; Books and bindings (With Mary verch Thomas)

Mistress Rogned Stengrimova

Region: Barony of Eplaheimr, Principality of Insulae Draconis

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Textile construction, fibre arts, embroidery - for “making the Kingdom beautiful”

Dabbles in: Woodwork, fibre arts, cooking, alchemy, ancient medicines, and music


Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: House Rogneda
  • Apprentices: Meadhbh Rhós Ineagh Uí Caoimhe

Elevated by whom and when: Davin and Groa (An Tir) - Twelfth Night Coronation, January 8th, A.S 34 (2000)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Research methods, Kievan Rus life, weaving (warp-weighted, floor loom, tablet, rigid, inkle), spinning, fleece prep, natural dying, sprang, clothing construction (early and late European periods), beading and embroidery (standard, goldwork, stumpwork, and beading), woodwork.

Mistress Signe Scriffuerska

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Shire of Aros

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Calligraphy & Illumination

Dabbles in: Dance, singing, making costumes (mainly 15th century)

Contact: At events

Elevated by whom and when: Lief and Morrigan - Nordmark Midwinter Coronet and 30 Year Celebration, December 20th, A.S. 49 (2014)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Anything about illumination, I have given these classes among other things: Heraldry for the scribe, How to make your own gesso, How to make period scroll, Scrolls for beginners, 15th century costume.

Mistress Siobhán inghean uí Liatháin

Region: Principality of Nordmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Finnish Iron Age spiral decorations

Dabbles in: Tablet Weaving, fabric stamping

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Woodland Watch (Æthelmearc)

Elevated by whom and when: Timothy and Gabrielle (Æthelmearc) - September 28th, A.S. 54 (2019)

Master Skafte Vaghorne

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Barony of Styringheim

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Performing instrumental Music

Dabbles in: Calligraphy

Contact: At events or

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Fru Erid Ingefridsdotter Hinspaka and Herr Fledar Skote, getfarmare från Lojsta, Fru Skarp-Eriks Saga

Elevated by whom and when: Matthew and Anna - Styringheims Medieval Camp XV, August 13th, A.S. 34 (1999)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Show and tell about woodwind instruments from the Viking age to the Renaissance

Master Sven Gunnarsson of Fiathrundrialand

Region: Principality of Nordmark, currently out of Kingdom

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Armour making

Dabbles in: Everything

Contact: At events

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Lord Ludewic Nilsson

Elevated by whom and when: Prothall and Cecilia - Double Wars VII in Attemark, May 15th, A.S. 34 (1999)

Master SvartulvR Kåte

Region: Principality of Nordmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Casting, smithing, woodcarving etc

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Earl Peregrine McKay, Johan Knutsson, Lord John Smith, Baroness Estrid Salten-Sebestid

Elevated by whom and when: Lief and Morrigan - Garden of Earthly Delights, October 22nd, A.S. 46 (2011)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Period casting, period and modern smithing, period shoe making, box making, class on how to make period smithing/casting/cooking ovens. Armour making etc.

Mistress Tece de Kaxtone

Region: Principality of Nordmark, Shire of Holmrike

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Textile arts/Tailoring

Dabbles in: 15th and 16th Century costuming, mainly german, Viking costume main focus Gotland, Counted thread embroidery, Tablet weaving, Research of whatever topic that looks interesting, Textile related things in general and finding and hoarding feast gear

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Elevated by whom and when: Agnes and Morales - Kingdom University in Insulae Draconis, November 12th, A.S. 51 (2016)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Smocking, Brick stitch and Blackwork embroidery, Fitting hose, Fabric knowledge aka let it burn! If it is something I do and seem to know well enough I can probably be persuaded to hold a class or lecture about it.

Master Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale

Region: Principality of Insulae Draconis

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Period Cookery and its Methods

Dabbles in: Shoe making and I can advise on 11th c English and Norse clothing as well as 15th C English styles. Also woodturning and woodworking.

Contact: At events or

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Households: Honorary Member of House Woodrose (Lochac).
  • Apprentices: Lady Maude d’Elsynge, Lady Emoni de la Fere

Elevated by whom and when: Sven and Siobhan - Spring Crown Tournament in Depedene-Under-Wychwood, March 30th, A.S. 46 (2012)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Camp Cookery, general period cookery, beginners shoemaking, making a bread oven or any of the topics above.

Mistress Tófa Jóhansdóttir

Region: Barony of Aarnimetsä

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Viking period Finnish costuming

Dabbles in: Viking period weaving & sewing, Viking and medieval food and drink in Finland, medieval gardening, wild and cultivated herbs as food, medicine and cosmetics, and writing books on those subjects.

Contact: At events or

Online presence:

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: Lord Raconczay Gergely

Elevated by whom and when: Marcus and Anna - Dies St. Anna, December 13th, A.S. 38 (2003)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Viking period weaving & sewing, Viking and medieval food and drink in Finland, medieval gardening, wild and cultivated herbs as food, medicine and cosmetics

Mistress Uta Boucht

Region: Barony of Aarnimetsä

Primary artforms/Elevated for: Craft and Mystery of Tailoring

Dabbles in: Close to my heart are textiles and clothing in general, including embroidery, and mid 14th c. in particular with a special love for everything French.

Contact: At events or

Elevated by whom and when: Sven and Siobhan - Midwinter Feast, February 11th, A.S. 46 (2012)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: Various classes on 14th century clothing and accessories

Maestra Victoria Piera Rosselli

Region: Frankmark, Shire of Polderslot

Primary artforms/Elevated for: 16th century tailoring and hatmaking

Dabbles in: 15th c tailoring as well and slowly learning embroidery

Contact:, at events, or via Facebook

Online presence:

Elevated by whom and when: William and Isabetta - Midsummer Coronation, June 22nd, A.S. 54 (2019)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: I prefer to teach one on one/in small groups- basic/intermediate/advanced tailoring techniques, hatmaking, pattern drafting with bara tapes, how to make a 16th century kirtle

Master Wiglaf Wilfriding (sometimes spelled uuiglaf or uuiglaf ridere)

Region: Shire of Ad Flumen, Frankmark

Primary artforms/Elevated for: A little bit of everything, but mostly leatherwork and dance. Also armoring, metalwork, and illumination

Contact: At events

Apprentices/Students/Household affiliations:

  • Apprentices: No apprentices (two squires, though).

Elevated by whom and when: Rolf and Mari (West) - 12th Night Coronation, January 9th, A.S. 27 (1993)

Classes I have held/are willing to hold: I can’t sew. I have tried really hard, but I can’t. So don’t ask. ;-)

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