During this period of time, when the majority of the Kingdoms have enacted Covid-19 precautions, the SCA Board of Directors allows official business meetings (courts, curia, A&S competitions) in Drachenwald to be held on-line. We have set up the following guidelines for you and your groups to follow when you hold on-line meetings. Note: Other on-line gatherings in Drachenwald, such as A&S classes, or general meetings that are not conducting official business are not required to be pre-scheduled or announced. The below guidelines apply only to on-line meetings to conduct official business.
- All official on-line business meetings must be pre-approved and scheduled with the Kingdom Seneschal prior to them being announced or held. This may be done by sending an email to onlinemeetings@drachenwald.sca.org containing the following information:
- The title of the meeting or court
- Date and time
- Name of the sponsoring group
- Location (including address) of the event that was cancelled at which this meeting would have taken place (or, if it is a brand-new meeting or event, the address of the host).
- A short description of what business will be conducted.
- For an on-line business meeting to be official it must include:
These individuals must be present on-line and on screen during the course of the entire meeting.
- At least one of the King, Queen, Prince, Princess, or (landed) Baron/Baroness, as appropriate for the event/meeting
- Their Seneschal, or their Seneschal’s designate
- At least one other witness, who is an SCA or affiliate member
- All official on-line business meetings must be announced via the on-line Kingdom calendar, at least one week prior to their date of occurrence. This can be done by using the Kingdom calendar event form ( https://drachenwald.sca.org/events/calendar-add/ ). The event announcement must include:
- The title of the meeting or court
- Date and time
- The web link needed to join the viewing
- The event should also be announced to the Drachenwald email list and to relevant Kingdom on-line groups with:
- The title of the meeting or court
- Date and time
- The web link needed to join the viewing
- Court reports and/or business meeting minutes are still required, just as they are for in-person courts and meetings. However, a copy of these should be sent to the Kingdom Seneschal in addition to the normal submission procedure (e.g. by the Herald in charge of the court).
Additional information:
We recommend that the on-line venue have the capability to record the session so that these recordings may be posted on-line for later viewing by all of the people of Drachenwald.
How to Set Up and Run an Official On-Line Drachenwald Business Meeting:
Step 1. Get the meeting approved by the Kingdom Seneschal Step 2. Put it on the Kingdom Calendar Step 3. Notify the Kingdom via the Kingdom email list and other Social Media Step 4. Hold the meeting Step 5. Send the report to chronicler@drachenwald.sca.org, with a copy to seneschal@drachenwald.sca.org
If you have any questions about the process or these guidelines please contact me, Kareina Talventytär, the Deputy responsible for helping to coordinate official Drachenwald on-line Business meetings, at onlinemeetings@drachenwald.sca.org