
In order for the laws of our kingdom to help us function better, we need to revise them from time to time. The Seneschal of Drachenwald has appointed a Law Council to consider adjustments to our laws, to consult the members and participants in Drachenwald, and based on that work to recommend changes to the Seneschal and Crown who may then choose to discuss these changes at a future Curia.

Giving feedback on the draft law proposals

The period for commenting on the following draft law proposals ended on 21 February 2021. Thank you for all the feedback we received!

You can always reach the Law Council at .

1. Draft proposal to change the Glossary

Glossary exists to help the readers of Drachenwald law to navigate through the law text with a full understanding of the contents. It explains terms that are either specific to our Society or specialized words in English.

Glossary is a section of the book of law, but not part of our law text. This means that it could be changed administratively without having to go through the Drachenwald legislative process. Regardless, the law council requests feedback on the changes we are currently recommending to it.

The most important Glossary change we ask the good people of Drachenwald to consider is replacing the old term “official event” with two new terms “society event” and “published event”. They reflect changes made in the wider Society and Corpora.

The council also seeks to add to the approachability of the law with certain added explanations, and by removing Court of Chivalry, which has not been conducted in Drachenwald in ages if ever.


In the Glossary text below, added text is bold and removed text is marked with strikethrough.

Proposed glossary text


In this document, the following terms, listed in alphabetical order, are used with the meanings given below:

  • Armigerous award: An award that can convey Arms by Award, Grant, or Patent.

  • Board: The Board of Directors of the SCA, Inc.

  • By-Laws: The By-Laws of the SCA, Inc., or its equivalent in an affiliated organization.

  • Consort: The person member of the opposite gender for whom the combatant fights in a Royal Lists.

  • Coronet: The Sovereign and Consort of a principality, acting together.

  • Corpora: The policies governing historical re-creation within the Society, and those policies applicable to the entire Society.

  • Court of Chivalry / Court of Inquiry: A panel, defined according to kingdom law, convened to investigate issues and possibly recommend action to the appropriate Society authority.

  • Crown: The Sovereign and Consort of a Kingdom, acting together.

  • Curia: A council of the Crown that must be consulted in order to make, delete, or amend Kingdom law. Those who hold a seat in this council are defined in this law.

  • Fealty: A reciprocal promise to be loyal to somebody and show them your support, especially a territorial ruler aka liege.

  • Governing documents: The Organizational Handbook, which contains: The Introduction, Corpora, The Articles of Incorporation of the SCA, Inc., the By-Laws of the SCA, Inc., the Corporate Policies of the SCA, Inc., and any amendments and appendices.

  • Officer: A Society member serving in an appointed office as defined in Corpora, or as an appointed deputy in such an office, or in another office as may be defined by Kingdom Law, at any level of the Society, or in the role of organizer of a Society event (commonly referred to as “Autocrat” or “Steward”), or as a Territorial Baron or Baroness, or as Crown or Coronet or heir to a Crown or Coronet.

  • Official event: An event held in Drachenwald, listed on the Kingdom Calendar in Dragon´s Tale. An obsolete term for published event.

  • Peerage: Collectively, the members of one of the Order of Chivalry, the Order of the Laurel, and the Order of the Pelican are referred to as the Peerage. A member of any of these Orders is a Peer. Collectively, the members of the populace who hold a patent of arms. Any person holding a patent is a peer.

  • Period: The era used by the Society as the base for its re-creation activities. The Society is based on the life and culture of the landed nobility of pre-17th Century, Century Western Europe, focusing on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

  • Published event: A Society event that also fulfils the requirements of Section II.C of the Corpora. These are the events where all manner of court business may be conducted.

  • Quorum: The smallest number of people who must be at a meeting before it can begin or decisions can be made.

  • Realm: A kingdom (including any principalities), or a principality.

  • Redress: To correct something that is unfair or wrong.

  • Royal Heirs: The victor in the Royal Lists and the victor’s consort for the period between the victory and the Coronation (kingdom) or Investiture (principality).

  • Royal Lists: Properly constituted armored combat tournament to determine the successors to current royalty. They are known as “Crown Lists” for kingdoms, and “Coronet Lists” for principalities.

  • Royal Peer: An individual who has reigned as Sovereign or Consort King or Queen of a kingdom, or as Prince or Princess of a principality is referred to as a Royal Peer.

  • Royalty: The persons who hold the offices of Sovereign or Consort of a kingdom or principality. The heirs to those positions are also considered royal, but Corpora uses the terms “royalty” and “reigning royalty” interchangeably, and only to refer to Sovereigns and Consorts.

  • SCA, Inc. or SCA: The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., a California not-for-profit nonprofit (or not-for-profit) corporation

  • SCA, Inc. Waiver Card: A card that which indicates that a properly executed waiver is on file at the corporate office. This card may also contain membership information.

  • Society: The entirety of the Society for Creative Anachronism (a worldwide group of affiliated organizations).

  • Society event: An event that fulfils the requirements of Section II.A of the Corpora.

  • Society member: Membership in the Society is defined in the By-Laws of the SCA, Inc., or in the approved organizational documents of any corporation affiliated with the SCA, Inc.

  • Sovereign and Consort: The victor in the Royal Lists and the victor’s consort, respectively, after their Coronation or Investiture.

  • Subject: Any person who physically resides within the borders of a realm for more than half the year. Those who do not maintain a residence meeting this definition may be considered subjects of the realm where they participate most frequently, if they obtain written acknowledgment from the royalty of that realm. Those who participate in Society activities primarily in a realm other than the one where they reside may be considered subjects of that realm if they obtain written permission and acknowledgment from the royalty of both realms. Decisions of the Coronet in such matters depend upon the approval of the Crown.

2. Draft proposal to change Drachenwald law 5


Removal of three offices

This proposal removes three Kingdom offices: Kingdom Historian, Kingdom Minister of Youth, and Kingdom Chirurgeon.

The Chirurgeon’s office has been closed for five years. The proposal is for removing the old mention of the office as unnecessary.

The offices of Historian and Minister of Youth have been vacant for quite a while, and the Seneschal’s office regardless of effort has been unable to find volunteers to take these positions. The proposal is therefore changing the law to reflect our reality.

The duties related to these offices are currently performed by others. The activities prescribed to Historian in the law are currently handled by the Kingdom Archivist, a deputy reporting directly to Crown. The Law council recommends removal of the office of Historian from the law and that the Crown and Kingdom Chronicler create a policy regarding archiving and storaging of the historical regalia.

The current administration of youth affairs is done by the Seneschal’s office. If a separate officer is needed, a deputy can be created with duties described in policy rather than in the Kingdom law.

Removal of officer review process

The proposal removes from section 5.04.2 an officer review process that has only been used sporadically.

Reviews, if done properly, can be a magnificent tool in helping people improve the way they handle their offices, but the process described in the current law doesn’t seem to suit that purpose. We could not come up with a review process that would actually serve the officers and Kingdom, and as in any volunteer organisation badly done reviewing can easily alienate the volunteers, we propose removing this process from the law.

Regarding other changes

  • (5.02) The proposal removes the order of precedence that the current law establishes for the Lesser Officers in relation to each other. There is no need for these offices to be compared to each other in such a fashion.

  • (5.03) The proposal removes the statement of the requirement of officers having access to the Dragon’s Tale. The requirement is not removed, but mentioning it is needless as the Kingdom newsletter is now freely available to all.

  • (5.03.2) Section 5.03.7 of the current law has been moved to 5.03.2 where it fits better. the contents were not changed.

  • (, The proposal changes the stated responsibilities of Chatelaine and Seneschal so that the Seneschal instead of Chatelaine is responsible for the establishment and development of branches, to reflect current practice. Responsibility over developing recruitment remains with Chatelaine.

  • ( Heraldic funds have not existed separate from the Kingdom account for a long while.

  • Throughout the law we propose a number of writing, spelling and structural changes in order to make these laws more accessible and understandable to all denizens of Drachenwald, including making text capitalization and terminology consistent. For example “Great Officer”, “Lesser Officer”, “Kingdom officer”, “Society Officer”; renaming Domesday report to annual summary report.


Please note that a different proposal to change section 5 will be discussed in the upcoming Curia. That version is earlier than this draft proposal. For the purpose of requesting feedback to this draft proposal, the old law text referred to below is the text of the Curia proposal. The actual outcome of the Curia will naturally be reflected on future versions of this draft law proposal.

In the law text below, added text is bold and removed text is marked with strikethrough. All other text is unchanged from the current law text.

Proposed law text


5.01 The Great Officers of the Kingdom of Drachenwald are as follows, in the order of precedence:

Kingdom Seneschal
Kingdom Herald (Schwarzdrachen) Schwarzdrachen Herald
Kingdom Earl Marshal
Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences
Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer
Kingdom Chronicler
Kingdom Signet Clerk
Kingdom Web Minister

5.02 The Lesser Officers of the Kingdom of Drachenwald and the Great Officers responsible for them are as follows: follows, in order of precedence: \

Kingdom Historian - Chronicler
Kingdom Chatelaine - Seneschal
Kingdom Captain-General of Archers - Earl Marshal
Kingdom Marshal of Fence - Earl Marshal
Kingdom University Chancellor - Minister of Arts and Sciences
Kingdom Minister of Youth – Seneschal
Kingdom Social Media Officer – Web Minister

5.03 All Great and Lesser Officers must hold a membership in the SCA or any appropriate affiliate organization. They must have access to the Dragon’s Tale.

5.03.1 All Kingdom officers Officers will take and train a deputy for their office who will be approved warranted as the designated successor. , referred to in Corpora VI.

5.03.2 5.03.7 Each Kingdom officer is responsible for the office-related activities of their deputies and subordinate officers.

5.03.3 5.03.2 With the exception of Seneschal, Herald, Earl Marshal, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, all other Kingdom officers may hold Shire, Baronial or Principality offices, at the discretion of the Crown. These officers must train a successor to their Shire, Baronial, or Principality office as soon as possible.

5.03.4 5.03.3 No person may hold more than one Kingdom level office concurrently.

5.03.5 5.03.4 All Great Officers will submit to the Crown and the Kingdom Seneschal a copy of any official reports forwarded to their corresponding Society Officer. If a Great Officer does not submit reports to their corresponding Society Officer at least once a quarter, then, as a minimum will submit a quarterly written report to the Crown two weeks prior to Coronation and Crown Tourney.

5.03.6 5.03.5 All officers shall maintain files for their office, open to review by the Crown at any time, and to be turned over to their successor within thirty days of leaving office.

5.03.7 5.03.6 All officers have the authority to make policy for the administration of their offices and their subordinate’s duties within the limits of the office. All such policies shall be published along with Drachenwald Law. These policies shall include, but are not limited to: Kingdom Financial Policies, Rules of the List of Drachenwald, and reporting requirements for each office. Policies of the Kingdom officers Officers shall take effect after they have been published in the Dragon’s Tale. Standard quarters will be used for reporting purposes within Drachenwald. These quarters are January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December. Quarterly reports due to Kingdom Great Officers will have standard deadlines of 25 April (for the first quarter), 25 July (for the second quarter), 25 October (for the third quarter), and 25 January (for the last quarter quarter/ and annual summary) Domesday reports). Kingdom officers Officers who require only semi-annual reports will use the January and July deadline for their reporting requirements.

5.04 Terms of Office and Review of Kingdom Officers.

5.04.1 A term is two years long. The terms of office for Kingdom officers Officers begin on the following dates: 

The Monday after Twelfth Night Coronation (on odd numbered years Gregorian)

- Historian
- University Chancellor
- Web Minister

The Monday after Midsummer Coronation (on odd numbered years Gregorian)

- Seneschal
- Chronicler
- Social Media Officer
- Marshal of Fence

The Monday after Twelfth Night Coronation (even numbered years Gregorian)

- Minister of Arts and Sciences
- Earl Marshal Earl-Marshal
- Signet Clerk
- Chatelaine

The Monday after Midsummer Coronation (even numbered years Gregorian)

- Herald
- Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Captain-General of Archers
- Minister of Youth

The change of office Office will be done by the incoming Crown at the event listed above and take effect on the Monday after it.

5.04.2 Each Kingdom Officer will be reviewed prior to the end of their term by the Crown and Heirs. It is recommended that a Kingdom officer not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. The Crown may, at their Their discretion, ask a Kingdom the officer to serve a second another term. It is recommended that a Kingdom Officer not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. The officer may accept or refuse the reappointment. The Officer may accept or refuse the reappointment. A Kingdom officer may request to serve a second term. The warranting authority may accept or refuse the reappointment. After consulting with the warranting authority, the Crown, the Kingdom officer Officer will publish in the Dragon’s Tale Dragon’s Tale their intent to continue in the office or resign, four months before the end of their term. Should any Kingdom officer Officer leave their office before the end of their term, their designated successor Designated Successor will assume the office Office until a new officer Officer is approved by the warranting authority. The new officer Officer will serve out the remainder of the term. The review of the Officer will be done on the schedule listed above.

5.05 Removal or suspension of Kingdom officers.

5.05.1 The Crown may, for just and stated cause, suspend any Kingdom officer. Suspensions by the Crown are for not more than the duration of the current reign. The duties of a suspended officer will be assumed by the designated successor.

5.05.2 Kingdom officers may be removed from office, for just and stated cause, by the Crown with approval of the Society Corporate Officer. If any Kingdom office Office is empty, the designated successor will assume the office until a replacement can be warranted. If there is no designated successor, the Crown in conjunction with the senior officer will warrant a replacement, as soon as possible.

5.06 Duties of the Kingdom Officers

5.06.1 Kingdom Seneschal Shall be the chief administrative officer for the Kingdom of Drachenwald. Shall be responsible for registering the Kingdom with local governments when necessary and maintaining good relations with them. Shall be responsible for all written Seneschalate reports due to the Society Seneschal and Board of Directors and shall be responsible for those reports being submitted in a timely manner. Shall submit a complete copy of the annual summary Domesday report to the Crown, to be maintained in their Their files, and shall keep the Crown Them apprised of the total status of the Kingdom. Shall be responsible for any additional reports required by the Crown, the Society Seneschal, or the Board of Directors. Shall chair or have a warranted deputy chair all meetings of the Seneschalate. Shall be responsible for overseeing and running the Lesser Offices established under the Seneschal. Shall coordinate with the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer in the selection of a Kingdom kingdom officer as the 2nd signatory on all Kingdom kingdom bank accounts. Shall be The Seneschal is responsible for maintaining the official Kingdom Calendar of Events, in accordance with policy established by the Seneschal. Shall be responsible for the establishing and development of branches in accordance with Corpora and Kingdom law and tradition.

5.06.2 Schwarzdrachen Herald Shall be responsible for all written heraldic Heraldic reports due to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms and shall be responsible for those reports being submitted in a timely manner. Shall be responsible for any additional reports required by the Crown and/or Society Corporate Officers. Shall set up and maintain a Kingdom Order of Precedence and shall be responsible for having the Order of Precedence updated before each Coronation and presented to the Royal Heirs before their Coronation. Successors. Shall be responsible for field heraldry, Field Heraldry, court heraldry, Court Heraldry and heraldic submissions Heraldic Submissions within the Kingdom. Shall chair all meetings of the Kingdom College of Heralds and shall be responsible for the administration of the same. May maintain a bank account solely for Heraldic Funds

5.06.3 The Earl Marshal Shall oversee tournament lists, Tournament Lists, the martial sciences, and safety on the field. Shall set and enforce the Rules of the Lists and Conventions of Combat of the Kingdom and shall be responsible for all fighting in and marshalling of the Crown Tournament Lists. Shall set and enforce weapon and armor standards. Shall supervise the authorisation of fighters and shall be responsible for maintaining a record of combat waivers and authorisation information. Shall supervise the training of fighters. Shall appoint any assistants as deemed necessary. Shall maintain the list of authorised fighters, which shall be available at Crown Tournaments. Shall receive and investigate all complaints concerning combat. Shall submit quarterly reports on the status of the martial arts in the Kingdom of Drachenwald to the Marshal of the Society, with a copy furnished to the Crown of Drachenwald.

5.06.4 Minister of Arts and Sciences Minister of the Arts/Sciences Shall foster development of historically accurate arts and sciences Arts/Sciences in the Kingdom. Shall be responsible for maintaining accuracy and propriety of any arts and sciences competition Arts/Science Competition as per the directives of the Society Minister of Arts and Sciences. Corporate Officer of Arts/Sciences. Shall work closely together with and shall co-chair any meeting of the collective guilds Guilds of the Kingdom, as represented by the guild heads. Guild Heads Shall be responsible for the conduct of the Annual Drachenwald Arts and Sciences Competition. annual Arts & Sciences Competition.

5.06.5 Chancellor of the Exchequer Shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the Kingdom, and supervising the finances of the Kingdom. Shall submit reports as requested to the Seneschal and to the Crown concerning the financial status of the Kingdom. Shall submit a detailed financial statement to the Kingdom Seneschal and to the Kingdom newsletter, annually, after the annual summary Domesday report has been agreed, for publication in the Kingdom newsletter. Newsletter. Shall be responsible for all written financial reports due to the Society Chancellor of the Exchequer and shall be responsible for those reports being submitted in a timely manner. Shall be the primary signatory on all Kingdom kingdom bank accounts and shall coordinate with the Kingdom Seneschal in the selection of on a Kingdom kingdom officer as the 2nd signatory on all Kingdom kingdom bank accounts. Shall submit a summary of the financial status of the Kingdom to the Crown at the beginning of each reign.

5.06.6 Chronicler Shall supervise all official publishing activities of the Kingdom and shall be the editor of (or supervise the editor of) the Kingdom publication, which shall be called the “Dragon’s Tale”. The Dragon’s Tale Dragon’s Tale will carry all required announcements and notices of official events, Kingdom laws, Laws, and the like.

5.06.7 Chirurgeon This office was closed as of August 10th 2015

5.06.7 5.06.8 Signet Clerk Shall oversee the production of scrolls required by the Crown. Shall promote the development of calligraphers and illuminators in Drachenwald.

5.06.8 5.06.9 Kingdom Web Minister Shall be The Kingdom Web Minister is responsible for the content of the Kingdom of Drachenwald website on the World Wide Web. Website hosting is an expense of the Kingdom. Shall be responsible Responsible for layout, design, regular updates, and maintenance of the Kingdom Kingdom’s website in accordance with the policies of the Society and the Kingdom Chronicler. Shall oversee web publishing activities throughout the Kingdom.

5.06.10 Kingdom Historian Shall be a lesser officer of state, under the direction of the Kingdom Chronicler. Shall collect material toward the end of preparing and maintaining an accurate history of the Kingdom. Shall record Kingdom Activities, briefly chronicling significant events, tournaments, large demonstration events, Courts, etc. with a brief description of the activity, including date, time, location, persons involved, etc. and provide the Chronicler with the information for the Chronicles in the Dragon’s Tale. Shall keep files of all media coverage concerning the Kingdom. Maintains files, including all back copies of the Kingdom Newsletter. Shall maintain an inventory of the SCA publications owned by the Kingdom. Shall forward reports to superiors as required. Shall maintain a listing of all regalia held by the Crown and the Successors. Will conduct an inventory of regalia held by the Crown. This inventory will be accomplished during the last month of each reign.  The regalia inventory shall be published to the populace, via Dragon’s Tale and the Kingdom web site, with the express purpose of improving the condition of various items and identifying needed items.

5.06.9 5.06.11 Chatelaine Shall be a Lesser Officer, lesser officer of state, under the direction of the Kingdom Seneschal. Shall be Kingdom New Groups Coordinator, responsible for the development, and growth of new branches, and establishment of procedures to promote groups in accordance with Corpora and Kingdom Law and tradition. Shall be chief recruiting officer for the Kingdom, providing information to assist local groups in conducting effective recruiting, and mentoring regional and local chatelaines to manage and maintain growth. Shall assist new members in learning the laws and customs of the Society and Drachenwald.

5.06.10 5.06.12 The Captain-General of Drachenwald Archers Shall be a Lesser Officer, Officer of State, under the direction of the Earl Marshal. Shall oversee and encourage the study of period archery styles and equipment. Shall set and enforce safety standards. Shall make available regulations and information regarding target and combat archery. Shall oversee archery competitions. Shall warrant Lieutenant-Generals of Archers, Captains of Archers, and Archer Marshals-at-Large. Shall be responsible for such reports as may be required by the Crown or the Earl Marshal.

5.06.11 5.06.13 Marshal of Fence Shall be a Lesser Officer, Officer of state, under the direction of the Earl Marshal. Shall oversee all forms of period fencing within the Kingdom ensuring safety on the field. Shall set and enforce the Rules for Period Fencing within the Kingdom of Drachenwald. Shall be responsible for setting and enforcing weapons and armor standards for fencing within the Kingdom. Shall supervise the authorisation of combatants and shall be responsible for maintaining a record of combat waivers and authorisation information. Shall supervise the training and warranting of period fencing marshals. Shall appoint any assistants as deemed necessary. Shall maintain the record of authorised combatants. Shall receive and investigate all complaints concerning period fencing combat. Shall submit quarterly reports on the status of period fencing combat within the Kingdom of Drachenwald to the Society Rapier Marshal, with a copy furnished to the Seneschal, the Earl Marshal, Earl Marshal and the Crown of Drachenwald.

5.06.12 5.06.14 Chancellor of the University of Drachenwald Shall be a Lesser Officer, Officer of state, under the direction of the Minister of Arts and Sciences. & Sciences. Shall coordinate and supervise the University of Drachenwald. Shall disseminate to the populace information concerning the University of Drachenwald. university.

5.06.15 Kingdom Minister of the Youth Shall be a Lesser Officer of state, under the direction of the Kingdom Seneschal. Shall assist parents of children in integrating children’s activities into local and Kingdom events. The Kingdom Minister of the Youth will not be responsible for, nor in any way encourage autocrats or the Society to provide, baby-sitting/daycare services. Shall supervise and coordinate the actions of local ministers of the youth throughout the Kingdom.

5.06.13 5.06.16 Kingdom Social Media Officer Shall be a Lesser Officer, Officer of state, under the direction of the Kingdom Web Minister. Shall be responsible for overseeing all social media Social Media presences within the Kingdom. Shall be responsible for enforcing Society and Kingdom Social Media Policies.

3. Draft Proposal to change Drachenwald law


The current law text has been found unclear regarding the number of events needed as well as the time frame for when the events happened. This proposal seeks to clarify it and ensure that the participants have both been recently reasonably active within Drachenwald and that they have been a part of this Kingdom for more than just six months.

Please note that this is a requirement that the Crown may waive, allowing participation in the Crown Tournament to participants who do not fulfil it.

The current law refers to “official events”. Corpora has abandoned this description and refers to “published events”. In the Glossary section of the Drachenwald law a published event is defined as a “Society event that also fulfils the requirements of Section II.C of the Corpora. These are the events where all manner of court business may be conducted.”


In the law text below, due to restructuring, all proposed text is bold and all old law text is marked with strikethrough.

Proposed law text Each participant must have attended at least six published events held in Drachenwald within the preceding 24 months. One of the events must be recent (within 6 months before the Crown Tournament). One of the events must be longer ago (between 6 and 24 months before the Crown Tournament). Each participant must have attended at least six official events (before Crown Tournament), held in Drachenwald, listed on the Kingdom Calendar in the Dragon’s Tale, in the preceding eighteen months. Additionally, each participant must have attended one official event (defined by the same requirements), more than 6 months before Crown Tournament but not more than 24 months before Crown Tournament. This event may be one of the six but does not need to be.

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