Update on COVID-19 situation
2020-03-15 covid19

Greetings beloved Drachenwald! As most of you are aware, the Austrian government has imposed limitations of gatherings to a maximum of 5 persons. We must of course abide by this and so, it is with a heavy heart that We must cancel the event in Austria where Spring Crown tournament was to be held. Plans are being discussed on how to secure the line of succession and We will announce Our decision once all the pieces are in place.


Drachenwald Try-athlon Challenge
2020-03-15 tryathon

update me with a summary/tagline


Drachenwald Try-athlon Challenge
2020-03-15 tryathon

update me with a summary/tagline


Drachenwald Try-athlon Challenge
2020-03-15 tryathon

Learn new skills during the plague: cords


Update on COVID-19 situation
2020-03-15 covid19

Greetings Drachenwald! Please know that We are acutely aware of the rapid updates of information regarding COVID-19 and the limitations being imposed by various countries.


Update on COVID-19 situation
2020-03-12 covid19

Greetings unto Our beloved populace,


Update from SCA Inc
2020-03-10 covid19

Please find below the latest update from SCA Inc regarding the current Corona situation and how it pertains to SCA events.


New website features
2019-12-30 webartificers

Happy new year! The web artificers have been hard at work on new features to make it easier to find events and support group webministers.


Chancery Proposal Background
2019-11-16 curia

The King and Queen of Drachenwald have called for a Curia to take place in January at Twelfth Night Coronation. When a change to Kingdom Law is being considered, a Curia is an opportunity for the people of Drachenwald to comment on the proposed changes. At this curia, two changes are proposed. The previous post covered the proposal to change the Order of Precedence. The other, detailed here, proposes changes to the office of Signet. This post contains the background briefing of the Chancery proposal received by the Crown.


Curia: Why change Precedence?
2019-11-13 curia

The King and Queen of Drachenwald have called for a Curia to take place in January at Twelfth Night Coronation. When a change to Kingdom Law is being considered, a Curia is an opportunity for the people of Drachenwald to comment on the proposed changes. At this curia, two changes are proposed. One relates to the Office of Signet. The other, detailed here, calls for a change to the order of precedence. This post, by the authors of that second proposal, sets out the changes and explains their rationale for making them.


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