Heralds in the Middle Ages were experts in chivalry, tournaments, coats-of-arms and the technicalities of war. Heralds in the Society enjoy communicating tournament combat, court ceremony, and the specifics of historical names and coats-of-arms. Some heralds specialise and build expertise, while others thrive being generalists.

Heralds bring pageantry to the Society: we help make a modern experience turn into a near-medieval one. We do this in several ways.

Learn about heraldry

Welcome to Drachenwald

Court and protocol

Court Reporting

Register your name and armory

Learning and commenting on heraldry in Drachenwald: tools and documents

Society-wide College of Arms

Herald Points of Contact

Kingdom of Drachenwald

Drachenwald Schwarzdrachen Herald (Drachenwald Kingdom Herald)
Memorantia van de Linde Memorantia van de Linde (Maria Laine) (She/Her)

Drachenwald Deputy to Posthorn
Gele Pechplumin (Magdalena Morén) (She/Her)

Drachenwald Albion Herald (External submissions)
Anna de Byxe

Drachenwald Edelweiss Herald (Internal submissions, deputy to Albion)
Seijka Waldemarsdotter (She/Her)

Drachenwald Posthorn Herald (Order of Precedence)
Garsiyya ibn Ibrahim ibn Sulaiman al-Qurtubi (Patrick Vine) (He/Him)

Regional Contacts

Insulae Draconis Herald
Shirin Perot-duxt (Sarah Brider) (Any)

Aarnimetsä Herald
Marussa Biechowska (Nina Manninen) (She/Her)

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